Founded in 2017
A Hand Up Community Resource center is a 501(c) 3 faith-based charity that connects the economically vulnerable to life-sustaining resources that provide hope and a better quality of life. We believe that everyone deserves a decent standard of living, and no one should go without what they need to live a meaningful life. Since our inception in 2018, we have worked untiringly to stand in the gap for those struggling to make ends meet by providing other alternatives such as financial literacy education to prevent joblessness and homelessness in our community.
What We Do
Realizing that together we can make a bigger impact, we have partnered with several community organizations, educational institutions, and for-profit businesses to advocate for those whose voice isn’t often heard. We’re not just hanging a sign and giving away fish, but we are invested in our community and believe we are responsible for teaching each one how to fish. In 2021, we not only offered financial education to west Louisville residents. We partnered with other organizations to assist the elderly and those who were suffering from COVID by delivering food, PPE supplies and care packages.